Don’t be distracted!!!

A little boy went with his mother to the market to buy groceries and as they walked through the bustling isles of this busy market, he moved behind his mum and followed closely, hearing and seeing so much transactions that went on all over the busy market.

At a particular point, he heard this man with a loud voice advertising his products, ringing a bell and calling for everyone to look at him and what he was selling, so the little boy turned to see and quickly turned back and kept following the lady in front of him to a particular shop.

And as she called the vendor, the boy realized that was not his mother’s voice, even though the lady wore a similar dress with that of his mum.


It dawned on him that the few seconds of distraction he paid attention to when he turned to see that man, made him miss his mum’s direction and he ignorantly followed a similar but wrong person.

This is how we lose so much each time we abandon our focus and pay attention to our many surrounding distractions.

There’s truly so much before us and we must choose to pay attention to working and executing diligently, we must starve our distractions, feed our focus and stay focused on building until we hit and exceed our goals.

We move!!!

When Isaac Newton stated that a body will remain in a state of rest until it is acted upon by an external force, he probably forgot to add that sometimes the acting force could also be internal.

Many times, people look and wait for help and change from outside, whereas right inside of them lies the biggest force that can create their biggest breakthrough..

But as long as we continue to wait for that external force to act on us, we hinder the realization of the greatness of our generation and so we must come to that place of self realization and make a collective decision back by acute determination to be that generation destined by God to be great.

And so we move!!!!!!

We move because no longer would we be held down by the chains and clogs of mediocrity and cowardice.

We move because we must put and an END to every form of ideology that divides us with the intent of keeping us impoverished in the midst of abundance..

We move to crush to dust, the evil seed of corruption, wickedness and slavery that has empowered a few and disempowered the rest of us and plant the seed of progress and prosperity for us all.

We move to fan the flames of our greatness and with unity of purpose birth forth the greatness that we carry as a generation.

Truly, it falls upon a generation to unleash their greatness like never before and we are that generation.

We move because we are truly unstoppable.

And so we mooooooove!!!!!

© Somski1

Your time and chance

Some of the best gifts life can offer to anyone are the gifts of time and opportunity.

When time presents you with an opportunity, you’re just like the guy in the picture above with the ball in his hand and every opportunity you have can be your golden chance depending on how you handle it.

Every great player who realizes this, prepares for opportunities and when they get the ball in their possession, they employ every energy, skill and strategy they have in order to maximize that opportunity and make a huge success out of it.

And so you must never be casual about your time and opportunities, you must be mindful of the moves you make while the ball is in your possession, you must be intentional about your success and you must be brave with your life.

Now is your time, now is your opportunity and there’s only one option: Succeed!

Try again

In the story of the net-breaking, boat-sinking harvest in the Bible, Jesus’ command to Peter to launch out into the deep and throw in his nets for a catch is very phenomenal.

In as much as a miracle ensued as a result of Peter’s obedience, Jesus was also teaching a very powerful lesson: The power of trying again.

Before Jesus showed up on the scene, Peter had toiled all night without any result and he must have been frustrated with all his efforts yielding no result. So Jesus showed up and taught Peter to try again and never give up.

I sense that for someone reading this, Jesus is also saying to you to “Try again”, regardless how many unsuccessful attempts you’ve had and how unpleasant your results have been.

Sometimes, you may need to go back to the drawing board and adjust or change your strategy, but just like Peter trusted in the Lord, you too must trust and more importantly take that action and try again until you get your own miracle.

As simple as it sounds, you need to try again!