The creative shift


The world is experiencing a rapid change in every facet, and while many people are ignorant and taken unawares, a few people are seizing every opportunity and taking advantage of the change to make a creative shift.

They are so intentional about following the trends in their niche and the global economy, forecasting and positioning their brands for relevance.

They deliberately keep their cutting edge sharp and fiery and ensure their creative ambers are always brighter.

Their ways are uncommon, their vision is exceptional, their faith is audacious and they are not casual about their influence and territorial dominion.

The creative shift is on, which side of the divide do you belong?

The disruptor or the disrupted, the phenomenal or the forgotten, the shifter or the shifted?

It’s up to you!

Bounce back like KODAK


Back in the 80’s and 90’s, KODAK grew to become a giant in the photography industry with the manufacturing of photo materials and owning photo labs in many cities across the world.

With the advent of digital cameras and evolution of mobile phones, the potential of analog photography devices and materials began to dwindle and gradually, KODAK films and other materials soon became irrelevant and they disappeared into thin air.

But here’s the good news: KODAK is re-inventing. Yes they are bouncing back!

They are taking advantage of a new U.S government policy to retool, repurpose and maximize technology to play big in the pharmaceutical industry- their new found opportunity.

So what lessons can you learn from KODAK?

What opportunities can you find and maximize?

How best can you retool your products and repurpose your services to be relevant to the market?

Now is the time to re-think, re-strategize and bounce back to your greatness.

Beyond the seed


One characteristic of every good farmer is the ability to see differently. While others see just a tiny seed, the farmer sees beyond the seed and sees the massive harvest that the seed can produce.

But between seed time and harvest is the process of cultivation, where the farmer nurtures the seed to fruition.

Every good farmer is always intentional about the process of cultivation because it determines a lot about the harvest.

And so you too must learn to see beyond the seed that you carry and diligently cultivate your seed everyday until you birth forth something new and great for our world.

It’s up to you. Be intentional!

Beautiful lessons from the vase


Life is always full of profound lessons that are profitable to those who find them.

And just like the vase, a beautifully crafted container, you were beautifully crafted by your Creator.

The vase is always made for a purpose, you were purposefully made.

The vase doesn’t know why it’s a vase, you too need to discover your purpose of creation from your Creator.

The vase was made to carry beautiful flowers and always project them, there’s so much beauty in the potentials you carry and you must project it.

Every vase has it’s unique design, shape and colour, you also have your uniqueness, live in this consciousness and never despise this!

The vase remains relevant as long as it never loses its uniqueness and ability to showcase beauty and flavour and if you must stay relevant in your world, never lose your unique flavour, never lose your ability to bring solutions.

Your relevance makes the world complete, stay relevant!

The extraordinary you!


The world knows how to make room for people with exceptional results.

These are people who have deliberately taken a detour from the commonness of life and have chosen to go the extra mile, be exceptionally diligent and achieve uncommon results.

So from academics to sports, to arts, entertainment, science, technology and in every sphere of endeavor, extraordinary people are always celebrated because they have chosen to take the necessary steps, pay the price and follow the principles that have led them to achieving uncommon results.

Truth be told, common is too cheap and untrustworthy, average has not changed from being an enemy and as such you must not settle for average or common, else your relevance will easily be eroded.

Now is the time to think differently and become exceptional in order to remain relevant.

What do you want?


One very interesting story with many lessons in the Bible is about this blind guy who gets to meet with the Master- Jesus Christ on a certain day.

The meeting was so strategic that it would determine much about his destiny, one he couldn’t afford to play with.

Standing right before Jesus, he was asked a simple but very powerful question: “what do you want Me to do for you?”

Straight up, he responded by saying “he needed to receive his sight, so he could see” and boom- the Master healed him and he began to see.

Imagine that he startled at Jesus’ question, having no definite answer because of the lack of clarity and priority..

Many people have lost tons of opportunities just because they were not clear of their needs and priorities.

The second half of the year is here with us, clarity and the ability to prioritize your needs will go a long way to determine how well you navigate the terrains of the season towards your success.

So I ask you now, what do you want to achieve in this half of the year?

Make that list and include necessary steps towards achieving your needs with a timeline and then you have a plan. Take action and hit your goals.

All things are possible!

Throw it away!!!


Samson was one of the strongest men who ever walked the surface of the earth as chronicled in the Scripture.

In one of the battles he fought thousands of years ago, he had no weapon with him, but found a jaw bone of an ass. He took hold the bone and slew a thousand soldiers with it. Wow!

Interestingly, just after that great slaughter and victory, Samson threw the jaw bone away and moved ahead… yes he did!

I’m sure Samson understood something unique, that strategies for past victories may not be relevant for future conquests, so he refused to hold onto the jaw bone as many of us would do today.

Sometimes we hold dearly on to things and methods that produced results for us in the past and fail to realize that if we must have and produce new results, we need to engage in new methods, patterns and strategies.

What things have you been holding onto that can’t guarantee new results? 

It’s time to throw them away and move ahead to the new!!

Plug into wealth


As I taught in an online class very recently, this question popped up- can everybody be rich and wealthy? And I gave my answer in these simple terms:

1. God designed everyone with the ability to be rich and wealthy. Sadly many people never realize and tap into this ability.

2. Life happens to us according to our belief. So becoming wealthy is first a matter of belief and it begins in your mind.

3. Wealth is first intangible and you are responsible for making the decisions and taking the actions that will move your wealth into the tangible realm

4. You therefore must train your eyes to see, your mind to recognize and your hands to maximize opportunities as they come

5. Real wealth resides in the resources within and around you and also in your ability to use the uncommon value you carry to serve your world in an uncommon manner.

6. Yes, you can plug into the heavy deposit of wealth within and around you and release it, if you don’t join the band wagon of those that see problems everywhere and agonize, but become a part of those who see opportunities everywhere and organize all it takes to make the most of every opportunity.

Wealth is in your design, but It’s up to you to choose where you belong and what you really want!



So recently I had this conversation with a young chap and I asked him what the future of his industry will look like in the post covid 19 era and to my greatest surprise, he responded by saying “he hadn’t given it a thought”…. wow!

It quickly dawned on me that sadly, some folks are still casual about what’s happening globally without realizing that their cheese has been moved.

Truth be told, the current happenings has given us all the opportunity to think deep, review, reshape and reset our lives, our plans and our endeavours.

The world is transiting and this requires several levels of reset in order for you to fit in and remain relevant to your environment, your industry and the world.

That little reset and adjustment can become the bait for your biggest breakthrough.

Act now!


Staying relevant


It’s no longer news that the Covid 19 era is changing the face of things all across the globe and when things stabilize, certain aspects of normal life as we know it will never be the same again.

Already, smart folks are beginning  to review and adjust their systems and structures, many non-essentials are giving way, while the core essentials are being positioned and repositioned for relevance in the post covid 19 seasons ahead of us.

So what’s your position in this whole game? Where do you stand? Where’s the place of your brand and business in the industry?

You need to take some time to think, pray, plan and strategize winning ways to retain your relevance for long term.

Learn as much as you need to, check and follow global and local trends, refuse to just sit idle and lockdown your creativity.

If it has to be, then it’s up to you to make it happen.

Be phenomenal or be forgotten!