The game changer


Sport games are one of the biggest fun-bringing activities in our world today.

Every game has players, playing rules, coaches and most times, spectators that cheer the players.

Great players don’t play to entertain but to win the game and so they fix their energy, skills and focus on winning.

Every great coach and player understands that time is a critical factor and they maximize time to play and win their game.

Within the time allotted for each game, strategy can be changed and substitutions can be made just to ensure one thing- winning!

As we conclude the first half of this year and get set to step into the second half, ask yourself what new strategies will you adopt and what substitutions will you make to keep you relevant and winning beyond the now?

So think, plan, take action and be the game changer!

Your circle of influence


Scenario one: a certain guy, born cripple, had a circle of friends who were committed to him, so everyday they carried him to a beautiful gate with a large crowd passing through it so he could beg for alms. This was their daily routine and he got the alms but was not any better.

Scenario 2: a certain guy was paralyzed on both feet and couldn’t walk, he had his circle of friends who were also committed, they were ready to go the extra mile to see their friend become better, so at some point they had to de-roof a building just to ensure that they brought their friend before the Man that could guarantee his life and healing and eventually they watched their friend get healed and become better.

Observe that in both scenarios, both circles were committed and whilst one was committed to seeing their friend becoming better, the other was committed to seeing their friend remaining the same. This is how critical the influence of our circles are to us.

Take a closer look at your circle- the closest people, relationships, associations and friends that you keep and ask yourself what their level of commitment is to you..

Certainly, your network determines your net worth.

He that walks with the wise will be wise but the companion of fools will be destroyed.

Are you in the right circle?

Is your circle having the right influence over you?

Think about this and make the right move!!!

Going forward


We live in a dynamic world with many dynamic features that makes ample room for only those who are flexible and fast to adapt to the ever changing world, while those who are slow to change are left behind and become obsolete.

From time to time in our world, radical changes occur, old things pass away and bring about the emergence of a new normal.

Going forward, it is your responsibility to ensure that you take advantage of the new normal for your own advancement.

Learn about the changes and the new normal they bring along.

Position and reposition your mind and yourself for relevance as you go forward.

Plan and prepare strategically for opportunities of the new world.

Have faith in God and never lose sight of your vision, goals and dreams as you go forward.

Ensure that you go forward with balance in your spirit, soul and body (no part left behind).

Stay fearless, go forward!

How to turn your panic into productivity


As the world tries to find it’s balance through the many uncertainties starring her in the face, many people are truly perplexed and gripped with panic.

Panic is a limiting emotion and a destroyer, it comes suddenly among people, just to overwhelm them with fear and grind their progress to a halt.

But in all of this, you can break the limits and turn your panic into productivity with the following smart steps:

1. PACIFY yourself, calm down your nerves and stay optimistic. Fear is not an option.

2. PRAY to God about the issue and He’ll give you uncommon strength, supernatural ability and deep insight to produce solutions.

3. PICTURE the solution you need, paint an image of your desired goal, stay focused and never never lose sight of it.

4. PLAN your way forward based on the image before you, strategize and organize every step.

5. PREPARE yourself and deliberately get set for opportunities as they come.

6. PILE UP all the resources available at your disposal, master them and prioritize your needs

7. PARTNER and collaborate with people relevant to your goals and your needs.

8. PATRIATE the processes, grow your creativity, gain control of your time and take full responsibility for your success.

9. PRACTICE your productivity one step after another, stay determined and keep progressing towards your goals.

10. PERFORM with ruthless execution all that you’ve planned and prepared for, maximize opportunities and don’t stop until you arrive at the productive destination called success.

Now you have the steps, go ahead and apply yourself diligently.

You are unstoppable!!!

Health is wealth


Growing up as a little boy, I always heard the saying “health is wealth” used to buttress the import of our health as humans. Searching through the holy scriptures, I also saw that it is God’s will for us to prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper.

These statements have made more sense to me and perhaps the whole world in the past few weeks as we’ve collectively witnessed a rise in the scourge of the Covid 19 epidemic, currently viewed as the greatest threat to the health and collective prosperity of the world.

With the swift spread of this virus, the world economy is under intense pressure, major cities and nations are shutting down and people going into compulsory isolation all in a bid to find survival.

It all boils down to one truth: “the healthier we are, the wealthier we can become”. So in the midst of all these:

• Let’s maintain good personal hygiene

•Let’s ensure our health is in tact

•Let’s reach out and show love to our friends, family and neighbours while maintaining social distance at least by phone calls, mobile chats and sms.

•Let’s draw closer to our maker, be sensitive to the Spirit and seek His face now more than ever before

•Let’s pray for and support all those on the frontline of action and service

•Let’s choose faith over fear, fear not but have faith in God

•Let’s stay positive, utilize our time wisely to plan, prepare and position ourselves for the best

•Let’s stay safe and remain grateful for the gift of life and good health.

At the end of it all, we will win this battle.

Every life is precious!

Maximizing relationships


For everyday we are alive, we have to meet and interact with people, wherever we find ourselves because people make the world habitable.

Having the right people around you is one of the best things that can ever happen to anyone, but most times we are ignorant and tend to neglect and despise the people we have around us and some times we even abuse our relationship with them.

If Joseph’s brothers and those he encountered in Potiphar’s house and in the prison yard ever knew that Joseph was going to become the Prime Minister of Egypt, I believe they would have treated him better and maximized their relationship with him.

So whenever we have people around us, we must appreciate the gift of people, we must be the best we can be to them, add value to them and help them become the best they can be and by so doing, we maximize our relationships for the better.

Profitable collaboration


Every great organization and institution all over the world is simply a collaboration of ideas.

It might have started with an idea from one person, but has grown big to have innovative ideas from other people- this goes a long way to show that one is too small a number to achieve anything significant.

There’s always a need for partnerships. It is through partnerships that babies are born, plants are made to germinate and businesses are made to profit.

So as you begin to bring your dreams and ideas to fruition, you would need to collaborate with valuable partners who can make your dream succeed.

And since two can’t work together except they agree, there’s a grave need to consider the PEOPLE in the partnership, the PLACE where the partnership will work, the PRINCIPLES by which the partnership will blossom, the PROGRAM that structures the partnership and most importantly, you must focus on the PURPOSE of the partnership.

These keys will make your collaboration a PROFITABLE one and unlock the doors of success for you.

10 smart steps to harvest your success


As we go through life, day by day, step by step, all the way, we must stay focused on living our dreams and giving our lives a significant meaning.

As we step into this new month, here are my 10 simple but smart steps to harvest your success:

1. Have a field: Every farmer has a field where they plant, even the fisherman has a river where he goes to fish. Where’s your field, what’s your endeavor?

2. Have a dream: Dreamless people are lazy people, they see nothing and lack motivation to succeed. But if you’re a dreamer, you see your success and strategize on how to go after it.

3. Take action: It’s one thing to have a plan and it’s another thing to work the plan. Successful people are diligent achievers because they put the plan to work by taking action and executing ruthlessly.

4. Master your craft: To succeed, you must move from mystery to mastery in your field of endeavor. Until you master your skills, gifts and crafts you cannot muster the profits and potentials hidden in them.

5. Have workable tools: Every fisherman has his boat, nets and hook, you too need workable tools that can work out your success. A person on the field with no tools will end up telling fairy tales when it’s time to harvest.

6. Create space and volume: Most times, the lack of space and volume shrinks the capacity of our harvest and if you truly want a bumper harvest, then you must increase your capacity to succeed.

7. Have faith: Life is full of uncertainties but the power of faith gives the stamina to hope and believe that there’s a miracle harvest for you even in the midst of uncertainties and this makes you take actions that births your success.

8. Have a working team: Teamwork truly makes the dream work. When we have a working team then we succeed together and multiply the effect of our success because Together Everyone Achieves More.

9. Be grateful for success: Truly successful people are humbled by their success but any misfit becomes proud and arrogant because of any little accomplishment. As you begin to harvest your success, show gratitude to God and to your partners for every achievement.

10. Spread your success: True success is not self centered. As you succeed, teach others to succeed and spread the reach of your success to the people around you, light the candles of others and let the flavour of your success bring sweet taste to people around you. You’re blessed to be a blessing!

Now you have the keys in your hands, apply yourself diligently and keep harvesting your success on every side!

Keep building, keep rising..


I always love to see a building go from a mere plan to an actual structure.

While the plan visualizes the building, it is the following of that plan during execution that guarantees the success of the building in it’s reality.

Every great building requires a good plan, quality building materials, standard equipments and of course professional builders…

Build your dreams diligently because they will eventually transform into your greatness. Moreover, remember to follow the plan of your dreams and build with quality materials.

Finally, ensure that you surround your dreams with builders and not destroyers.

Are you a lone racer?


Just as the sky is large enough for every star to shine, the realm of greatness is spacious enough for the whole of mankind.

But most people don’t accomplish much in life because they choose to be lone racers instead of being team players.

One is too small a number to accomplish anything great and significant. We need others and they need us too. It takes more than just you to get yourself to the place called greatness.

So quit the lone racer’s game and learn to collaborate, team-play, leverage, build diligently and grow consistently until you reach your greatness.