Plug into wealth


As I taught in an online class very recently, this question popped up- can everybody be rich and wealthy? And I gave my answer in these simple terms:

1. God designed everyone with the ability to be rich and wealthy. Sadly many people never realize and tap into this ability.

2. Life happens to us according to our belief. So becoming wealthy is first a matter of belief and it begins in your mind.

3. Wealth is first intangible and you are responsible for making the decisions and taking the actions that will move your wealth into the tangible realm

4. You therefore must train your eyes to see, your mind to recognize and your hands to maximize opportunities as they come

5. Real wealth resides in the resources within and around you and also in your ability to use the uncommon value you carry to serve your world in an uncommon manner.

6. Yes, you can plug into the heavy deposit of wealth within and around you and release it, if you don’t join the band wagon of those that see problems everywhere and agonize, but become a part of those who see opportunities everywhere and organize all it takes to make the most of every opportunity.

Wealth is in your design, but It’s up to you to choose where you belong and what you really want!

The success ecosystem


Without doubt, one of the greatest influences over a person is his/her environment. Everyone was born into a certain environment and requires a certain environment for sustenance. Our life’s results can also be traced to our previous or current environment.

Your environment is so critical to your success or failure; that’s why everything, both good and bad requires a certain environment to manifest.

Your environment determines your experiences, mindset, philosophy, attitude, capacity, and boundary. Therefore, you need to verify how toxic or safe your environment is, as your success depends on it.

While many people have become well-placed because of their safe environment, others have become victims of toxic environments, and this accounts for their stagnation or lack of success.

However, breaking away from toxic environments is possible. You must identify and cling to safe and conducive environments that support your growth, nourish your potentials, and birth your success.

#FromToxicToSafe #FromWeaknessToStrength #FromOldToNew #FromFailureToSuccess

N/B: If you need help to switch from a toxic to safe environment, kindly send an SMS to the Hopeline: 08032242515

The CAN-DO spirit


One of my favourite quotes from the Holy Bible is found in the letter of Saint Paul to the believers in Philippi, wherein he said, “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me”.

Growing up as a little boy, I memorized this verse but beyond just memorizing it, I was conditioning my mind for all-round success. Each time I said to myself, “I can do all things”, my mind kept possessing the I-can-do-all-things attitude — an attitude of possibility and success.

Our thoughts and words play a very critical role in determining our success in life. If you think and say you can, then you can. But if you think and say otherwise, you may end up achieving nothing.

Regardless of what’s facing you and regardless of what people say about you, what you think and say is more important.

• They said to David: Goliath is a warrior and a giant, but he (David) said he could do all things, and he eventually conquered the giant and became victorious.

• They said to the Wright brothers: Humans can’t fly, but they (the Wrights) said they could do all things, and they went ahead to invent the aeroplane.

• They said to Barak Obama: You’re but a Negro, but he (Obama) said that he could do all things, and he went ahead to become the first black president of America.

There are no impossibilities anywhere except the ones we create in our minds.

No more limitations!


Take action and succeed.

Birth your Greatness out of nothing!!!


One thing that has constantly stunned the world is how that greatness emerges out of nothingness!

Out of some of the most impossible backgrounds and situations of life, many of which perfectly fits the “can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” question, phenomenal men and women have risen out of obscurity to fame. They have stunned the world with amazing and excellent results of their gifts, strengths and talents.

Here are some examples:

Jack Ma — from the slums of Asia to one of the world’s reputable billionaires

Queen Hadassah — from a poor Hebrew orphan to Queen of the great Persian empire

Steve Harris — from being a 2-time college dropout to Nigeria’s leading life and business strategist

Two underlining factors of these people are: The God-factor and their diligence.

So, don’t be discouraged, don’t be distracted, keep working, keep learning, keep grinding, keep cultivating diligently, keep growing and don’t stop trusting in God until you begin to reap your harvest of excellent results that will stun your world.

Don’t stop!

Your strength zone


As I sat in church, enjoying the sermon by the preacher and profusely taking notes into my sermon jotter, I observed that my neighbour was also jotting down some notes from the sermon. He wrote with his left hand, writing fast and effortlessly, just as I did with my right hand.

The lesson which stood out from that scenario was that everyone is born with unique strength zones. Life, therefore, becomes interesting when we find our strengths and live within our strength zones.

The strength zone of the fish is the water, the strength zone of the bird is the air, and the strength zone of the tree is the soil. Each of these thrives effortlessly when in their strength zone.

Whenever you discover your strength, focus on it and maximize it. If you do, your weaknesses will become too shy to show up.

So, find your strength zone, maximize it and succeed!