A new page for your success


Each new day offers us fresh opportunities to make necessary changes, re-write the stories of our lives, dot our i’s and cross our t’s.

A new day offers us a new chance to mend faulty areas, strengthen relevant bonds and break up irrelevant ties.

A new day gives us the privilege and courage to rise from our falls, start afresh, review our goals, restrategize, make better moves and hit our targets.

A new day gives us the opportunity to unlearn, re-learn, grow, apply ourselves diligently and become better versions of ourselves.

While we have a new day, we must realize that nothing moves until it is moved. So, you must resolve to take responsibility for your life and maximize this new day to be the best you can be and achieve your greatness.

Have a beautiful day!

Dream • Create • Succeed


Everyone created by God was given creative abilities at birth and one purpose for this is simply to provide timeless solutions to the every increasing problems of mankind and his environment.

So, recently I bumped into the picture above and it’s a show of creativity, where some young folks in Lagos Nigeria are making use of not-in-use buses to set up a fast food centers and I must say this is a lovely concept.

They have shown that creativity is not complex but the ability to make use of resources available to turn dreams and ideas into unique solutions that meet needs and solve problems around you.

When we truly begin to explore our creative prowess, we would discover that nothing is impossible and that no resource is a waste, as everything can be revamped and creatively recycled to meet needs and solve problems in our world.

Its up to you.

Choose to create!

EXPECTATIONS: how to birth your success


When a farmer plants a seed, he becomes expectant of the harvest. When a woman gets pregnant, she becomes expectant of the birth of her baby. It is this expectation that makes the farmer continue cultivating the seed planted until he sees the harvest. Similarly, the woman undergoes due antenatal processes all in preparation to receive her baby.

Now, where there’s no expectation, there’s no preparation and where there’s no preparation, there’s no success and this explains why a lot of people fail to succeed.

People who succeed are those who anticipate success and put on an attitude of preparedness that makes them work towards their expectations.

So, never begin a new day, a new week or a new season of your life without expecting to win and succeed. Also, never have expectations without working diligently towards them.

Cheers to your greatness!

Get wisdom


One of the wisest men who lived and walked the surface of the earth was King Solomon of ancient Israel. History tells so much of his unequivocal wisdom and wealth to which he gave the credits to his supernatural encounters with God.

His words, songs, and counsels were so full of wisdom that thousands of years after he lived, billions of people around the world today still read and make reference to them as they remain relevant to present day realities; what awesome wisdom!

Wisdom is simply the application of godly knowledge and Solomon in one of his books wrote: “Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom and in all your getting, get understanding”. He spoke as a man who explored and walked in uncommon realms and dimensions of wisdom.

Wisdom will always set a person apart from the crowd.

In a world like ours where the ordinary is becoming a norm, we all need wisdom to set us apart in all we do.

This wisdom is not farfetched. King Solomon tells us that we have a responsibility to ‘Get Wisdom’. Wisdom is readily available in various information packages: books, audio/visuals and other proven materials that are “gettable”.

So if you want to stand out and be distinguished among others, you need to “Get wisdom” and apply it intentionally.

Birth your Greatness out of nothing!!!


One thing that has constantly stunned the world is how that greatness emerges out of nothingness!

Out of some of the most impossible backgrounds and situations of life, many of which perfectly fits the “can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” question, phenomenal men and women have risen out of obscurity to fame. They have stunned the world with amazing and excellent results of their gifts, strengths and talents.

Here are some examples:

Jack Ma — from the slums of Asia to one of the world’s reputable billionaires

Queen Hadassah — from a poor Hebrew orphan to Queen of the great Persian empire

Steve Harris — from being a 2-time college dropout to Nigeria’s leading life and business strategist

Two underlining factors of these people are: The God-factor and their diligence.

So, don’t be discouraged, don’t be distracted, keep working, keep learning, keep grinding, keep cultivating diligently, keep growing and don’t stop trusting in God until you begin to reap your harvest of excellent results that will stun your world.

Don’t stop!

Out of the box


In course of my interaction with people, as a life and business coach, I have observed that many people are limited, simply because they have a fixed mindset and have failed to think out of the box.

A box is a container which is usually enclosed, making it difficult for continuous growth, expansion and enlargement. All those who love to remain boxed don’t think beyond all they’ve known, thereby limiting their potentials and celebrating ordinary as ultimate.

If you must achieve your greatness and reach your full potential, then you must step out of the box in order to think out of the box. You must see out of the box and reach out of the box.

Enough of the conformity!

Enough of the ignorance!

No more limits!

Success doesn’t reside within the box, only mediocrity does.

Step out of that box now and reach for your greatness!

© Somski1

Grow, Lead, Succeed


One of life’s greatest discoveries is that man was designed and created to grow, lead, and succeed.

However, the limit to which you grow, lead and succeed is largely dependent on how much responsibility you are willing to take for your life and for all you do.

Wherever you are in life today is as a result of leadership: someone led you there: either you or someone responsible for you.

The core essence of leadership is to birth transformation. So, every facet of our society (schools, families, religious centers, marketplaces, and so on) is in dire need of good leadership.

You were born with the capacity to lead and to influence the world with your gifts, talents and strength.

The world is waiting for you!

Take responsibility today.

Grow, lead, and succeed.

The world is waiting for you!!!


Have you ever been at an airport to receive a special guest? You’d have realized that right there at the airport were others, also anticipating the arrival of their own guest or loved one. They awaited with an attitude of great expectation.

If, eventually, the flight failed to arrive as and when due, the whole atmosphere became beclouded with disappointment.

That’s exactly how it is right now!

The world is awaiting the arrival of your greatness.

The world is earnestly waiting to drink from the wealthy stream of your gifts, with which you’ve been equipped to bless humanity.

Your nation is waiting.

Your family is waiting.

Your friends are waiting.

Even your enemies are also waiting.

Everyone is waiting to feel the warmth that comes from the shine of your greatness!

And time is ticking…

So, will you MANIFEST or will you DISAPPOINT?

It’s up to you.

Success with no limits



I recently took a walk around my vicinity, observing how the leaves of a particular tree were littered all over the place. I then also discovered that the leaves had undergone discolouration; they were dry. That was a subtle reminder to me that we are now experiencing the harmattan season.

In as much as it is a common feature of this season that trees lose their leaves and productivity because of the lack of moisture in the soil, among other factors, wise farmers have learnt to utilize the irrigation system to water their soil and ensure the productivity of their farms, regardless of the season.

Just like a tree that is planted by the riverside, which yields its fruits in all seasons, you too need to have a system in place that guarantees success for you, with no limits.

So, what’s your plan for growth and success in this season and the seasons ahead?

Do you have a success system?